PostgreSQL Quick Start
Two ways to install:
- OS specific installer
- Just download the OS specific installation and complete recommended setup
- Containerized approach using docker
- Just run the below command in the terminal (docker needs to be installed and running):
User Interfaces
PSQL Shell
PSQL shell is a command line interface to work with the Postgre databases.
Quick commands:
list od databases\c <database name>
change context to databaseSELECT version();
: shows the versionSELECT now();
: shows server timeCREATE DATABASE colors;
: create new databaseCREATE TABLE colors (ColorID int, ColorName char(20));
: creating a new tableINSERT INTO colors VALUES (1, 'red') , (2, 'blue'), (3, 'green');
: inserting valuesSELECT * FROM colors;
: fetching data
PGAdmin is a graphical user interface to connect to the PostgreSQL servers. Each server has 3 parts:
- Databases
- Login/Group roles
Tables are located in Databases->Db Name->Schema->Tables->Table Name
- The client has a query tool to fetch data from the tables
- To quickly get all rows: From table right click menu select "View/Edit Data-> All rows"
- To connect the PG Admin to postgres on docker just enter the login details and server details
Relational Databases
Database table structure:
- Each table has a rows and columns
- the first row is usually the primary key. convention:
- other columns might represent different types of data
Common Datatypes:
- Numeric:
- Whole numbers:
smallint` data types - fractions:
data types. both will allow significant digit specification - floating points:
- Whole numbers:
- Characters
- Use
: for fixed length - Use
for variable length - Use
for unlimited text with no cap
- Use
- Date & Time
timestamp with timezones
Sample database from scratch
For our sample we are going to consider a company called "Kinetico". We will build the organizational structure in PostgreSQL using all of its main features.
Step 1: Create Database
In pgAdmin right click on databases->Create->database. This in turn will run the following command in the background:
OWNER = postgres
Step 2: Schemas
- Schemas are more like the departments of an organization.
- It can be used to group together table logically.
- PostgreSQL has a default public schema under which all tables go if no other schema is created.
- To create a schema just:
Choose create ->Schema
from the right click menu of schemas or databases. - This will run the following command:
- Create 2 schemas manufacturing and human_resources
Step 3: Tables
For now we will add 2 tables to the manufacturing schema called products and categories with the following columns:
- product_id (primary_key)
- name
- power
- manufacturing_cost
- category_id
- category_id
- name
- market
CREATE TABLE manufacturing.products
product_id character varying(10) NOT NULL,
name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
power integer,
manufacturing_cost numeric(10, 2) NOT NULL,
category_id integer NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS manufacturing.products
OWNER to postgres;
Step 4: Link tables with Foreign Keys
- In order to add link two tables we need to add a foreign key constraint to the table where the foreign key will be referenced.
For example in our case the the products table will reference the category id so we will apply the foreign key constraint to the product table.
Using pgAdmin we can apply the Foreign Key constraint by going to table properties -> constraints ->foreign key
- Here specify the tables and columns. Choose validated button and select cascade when updated.
The sample SQL is as follows:
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS manufacturing.products DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS products_category_id_fkey;
ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS manufacturing.products
ADD FOREIGN KEY (category_id)
REFERENCES manufacturing.categories (category_id) MATCH SIMPLE
Step 5: Add data to tables with CSV
Querying Data
- SELECT : Allows to specify the columns needed to be query. If all needed use * as a shortcut
- FROM : Allows to specify the schema.table from where the query needs to be done
- WHERE : Allows to fetch only those rows which meet a criteria
Basic clauses:
Joining two tables to query data:
- SELECT: Use tablename.columnName comma separated values and use alias clause (AS) to specify ambiguous values
- FROM: Use
schemaName.tableName JOIN schemaName.tableName
- ON: Use to specify the categories on which joins will happen
- WHERE: Filter the data
SELECT products.product_id, AS product_name, products.manufacturing_cost, products.category_id, AS category_name, FROM manufacturing.products JOIN manufacturing.categories ON products.category_id = categories.category_id WHERE = 'batteries';
Joining 3 tables:
- Joining 2 tables to 1 parent table where the 2 PKs are referenced as FKs
SELECT as baid, books.book_name, books.page_num, authors.author_name, authors.author_surname FROM bookauthors JOIN books ON bookauthors.book_id = books.book_id JOIN authors ON bookauthors.author_id = authors.author_id WHERE authors.author_name='Alex' AND authors.author_surname='Cross'
- Joining 2 tables to 1 parent table where the 2 PKs are referenced as FKs
Creating a view to easily query joined data:
- In case the joined data needs to be queried multiple times then views can be created.
- Process is to write the query and add the following syntax before it:
CREATE VIEW tableName.viewName AS
- A view will be created which can be used a separate table
- A view acts like a table but does not duplicate data
CREATE VIEW manufacturing.product_details AS
SELECT products.product_id, AS product_name,
products.category_id, AS category_name,
FROM manufacturing.products JOIN manufacturing.categories
ON products.category_id = categories.category_id;
Indexing & constraining data
- Index is a typical like a collection of keywords you find at the end of a text book to quickly find concepts.
- You can use it to find information frequently needed by creating an index on a table.
- To create an index open the table needed and from the right click menu choose create
There are a few options in the creation panel like Unique, Clustered etc.
Constraints are conditions we add to the database so that only the correct data is added
- Click on Constraints->Create and add a name and condition(s) to create a constraint
- Postgre provides some administrative capabilitites.
- We can use roles to provide unlimited or restricted access to the users.
- Some common syntax is mentioned below to:
- Set role
- Reset role
- Grant permissions
- Revoke role
- drop the role
-- View tables from the KinetEco database
SELECT * FROM manufacturing.products;
SELECT * FROM human_resources.employees;
-- Impersonate the hr_manager
SET ROLE hr_manager;
-- Switch permissions back to posgres super user
-- Give hr_manager permissions in database
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA human_resources TO hr_manager;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA human_resources TO hr_manager;
GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA human_resources TO hr_manager;
-- Remove the hr_manager role from Postgres Server
REVOKE ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA human_resources FROM hr_manager;
REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA human_resources FROM hr_manager;
DROP ROLE hr_manager;