Python Database API
- There are multiple database systems out there.
- Even considering relational databases there are multiple implementations.
- Interacting with these databases can be tedius since the implementations are different.
- Python provides a neat standardized way to interact with these databases
- Its called the Python Database API
- It provides ways to connect to the database (connection API) and performing operations (cursor API) from python itself
Creating a database in PostgreSQL
- Short answer? Go to pgAdmin and create a new database from the UI.
- For more details please refer to the PostgreSQL Quick start
Creating a table in PostgreSQL using python
- For this we need a module called psycopg2
- The process is simple:
- Open a connection to the database
- Open a cursor using the connection object
- Execute the command
- Commit the command
- Close the connection
- Install the psycopg2 module using:
pip install psycopg2-binary
- Example code:
import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect( database="red30", user="postgres", password="admin", host="localhost", port="5430") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE sales( order_num INT PRIMARY KEY, cust_name TEXT, product_num TEXT, product_name TEXT, quantity INT, price REAL, discount REAL, order_total REAL);''') conn.commit() conn.close()
Inserting data in PostgreSQL using Python
- The process remains the same.
- Open connection
- Get the cursor
- Execute commands:
Interacting with PostgreSQL database using Python
- A typical program to insert values based on some logic running in python is shown below.
- Here the function insert_sale takes input taken as arguments, calculates order total and inserts values:
def insert_sale(order_num, customer_name, product_num, product_name, quantity, price, discount, order_total): order_total = quantity * price if discount!=0: order_total -= discount #create a dictionary sale_data = { 'order_num': order_num, 'cust_name': customer_name, 'product_num': product_num, 'product_name': product_name, 'quantity': quantity, 'price': price, 'discount': discount, 'order_total': order_total} cursor.execute("INSERT INTO sales VALUES(%(order_num)s, %(cust_name)s, %(product_num)s, %(product_name)s, %(quantity)s, %(price)s, %(discount)s, %(order_total)s)", sale_data)
SQLAlchemy Core to connect manipulate to a Postgres database
- Install SQL Alchemy core using
pip install sqlalchemy
- To connect to a database table use the below code:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, select from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, Float, String, MetaData # Create the engine object using create_engine function engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:admin@localhost:5430/red30', echo=True) # Create the metadata object metadata = MetaData() # Build the table structure as a list if need to create using Table object # sales_table = Table('sales', # metadata, # Column('order_num', Integer, primary_key=true), # Column('cust_name', String), # Column('prod_number', String), # Column('prod_name', String), # Column('quantity', Float), # Column('price', Float), # Column('discount', Float), # Column('order_total', Float)) # Connect to the table with the Table object sales_table = Table('sales', metadata, autoload_with=engine) # pass engine object to the metadata create_all function metadata.create_all(engine) with engine.connect() as conn: #Read for row in conn.execute(select(sales_table)): print(row) # Create insert_statement = sales_table.insert().values(order_num=1105910, cust_name='Syman Mapstone', product_num='EB521', product_name='Understanding Artificial Intelligence', quantity=3, price=19.5, discount=0, order_total=58.5) conn.execute(insert_statement) # Update update_statement = sales_table.update().where(sales_table.c.order_num==1105910).values(quantity=2, order_total=39) conn.execute(update_statement) # Confirm Update reselect_statement = updated_sale = conn.execute(reselect_statement).first() print(updated_sale) # Delete delete_statement = sales_table.delete().where(sales_table.c.order_num==1105910) conn.execute(delete_statement) # Confirm Delete not_found_set = conn.execute(reselect_statement) print(not_found_set.rowcount)
SQLAlchemy ORM to connect manipulate to a Postgres database
- Core is a function based approach to connect while ORM is class based approach.
- Sample crud operations along with connections etc are shown below:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, select from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:password@localhost/red30') # class Sale(Base): # __tablename__='sales', # Column('order_num', Integer, primary_key=true), # Column('cust_name', String), # Column('prod_number', String), # Column('prod_name', String), # Column('quantity', Float), # Column('price', Float), # Column('discount', Float), # Column('order_total', Float)) Base = automap_base() Base.prepare(autoload_with=engine) Sales = Base.classes.sales with Session(engine) as session: # Read smallest_sale = session.execute(select(Sales).order_by(Sales.order_total)).scalar() print(smallest_sale.order_total) # Insert recent_sale = Sales(order_num=1105910, cust_name='Syman Mapstone', prod_number='EB521', prod_name='Understanding Artificial Intelligence', quantity=3, price=19.5, discount=0, order_total=58.5) session.add(recent_sale) session.commit() # Update recent_sale.quantity = 2 recent_sale.order_total = 39 updated_sale = session.execute(select(Sales).filter(Sales.order_num == 1105910)).scalar() print(updated_sale.quantity) print(updated_sale.order_total) session.commit() # Delete returned_sale = session.execute(select(Sales).filter(Sales.order_num == 1105910)).scalar() session.delete(returned_sale) session.commit()