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Prompt Engineering

Principles of prompting



  • What is a prompt?

    • A prompt is an input to be given to an AI model. It serves as a set of instructions to the large language model.
  • What is prompt engineering?

    • The process of discovering prompts that yield desired results reliably.
  • General issues in prompts given to AI models:

    • Vague direction
      • Tell AI proper direction to take. Style emulation, language levels etc.
    • Unformatted output
      • Tell what kind of output is needed. For example csv.
    • Missing examples
      • Provide examples of what a god response looks like.
    • Limited evaluation
      • Setup a evaluation methodology to understand how the prompt is performing.
    • No task division
      • In many tasks there are multiple steps that need task specialization. This needs task specialization.
  • Tokens and Token optimization

    • LLMs work by continuously predicting the next token starting from what was there in the prompt.
    • A token is generally ¾th of a word.
    • Each new token is predicted based on the probablity of it appearing next.
    • This is controlled by the temperature parameter.
    • Average prompts give average responses.
    • AI companies charge by the tokens i.e. the number of tokens used in the prompt and response.
    • This means we need to optimize for tokens to get the best output in terms of cost, quality and reliability.

Five principles of prompting

Principle Description
Give Direction Specify style or persona
Specify format Define rules, structure of the response
Provide examples Diverse set of tests that define task done successfully
Evaluate quality Identify errors, rate responses, drive performance
Divide labor chain tasks to achieve complex goals

These principles are model agnostic and work equally well for any type of response generation.

1. Give Direction

  • Human-like brief
    • For this step imagine what brief a human would require to work on the task.
    • Using a similar brief to ask AI To do the task would do the trick most of the times.
    • Although its not a 1-1 mapping
  • Role playing
    • E.g. ask AI to name a product how Elon musk or Steve jobs would do.
    • Provide examples related to role playing that will set the tone for the response. E.g. provide product description and ex. product names
  • Pre warming or Internal retrieval
    • Start the conversation by asking for best practice advice.
    • Ask AI to follow its own advice.
    • This way you can ask AI to generate its own direction.
  • Best advice out there strategy
    • Take the best advice available and insert it into the prompt.
    • This one can make the prompt longer but can improve the result significantly.
    • Consider the cost tradeoffs though if using API for example.
  • Scale back
    • Sometimes too much instruction could be bad. It can restrict the creativity of the model.
    • As there might not be enough training data out there to generate a response.
    • So in this case scale back on some aspects of direction needed and try to get a desired response.
    • Prioritize which elements are important.

2. Specify format

  • AI models tend to change output formats for the same prompt given multiple times if not specified.
  • Hence, to keep the output consistent its important we specify the format.
  • This helps us to plan as well as we can use the output of the prompt for another step.
  • For eg. if we specify a json output we can use it to render front end.
  • Format can be specified the following ways:
    • One off: In the prompt text itself. Eg. Share a list in json format.
    • Chain of prompts: Specify at the start and set as a persona. Eg. You are an assistant that responds in json.
    • Setup in model parameters. Called grammars in llama models.
  • Remove other aspects from the prompt that might clash with specified format.
  • "The more layers of unrelated elements the more likely you are to get an unsuitable image."
  • If there is a clash in the specify format principle and give direction principle lose the one less important.

3. Provide examples

  • AI models are few shot learners.
  • The reliability of an output increases tremendously if a few examples are provided instead of none.
  • The tradeoff is creativity as more examples help provide constrains to the ask which reduces the creative index.
  • Providing 3-5 examples will give a very reliable output at the cost of creativity.
  • Providing 1-3 examples has a positive effect almost always.
  • Above 3 consider the effect it might have and provide diverse examples to cover edge cases.
  • Rule of thumb. Provide direction first then provide examples.
  • For image generation providing base image is considered as giving an example.

4. Evaluate quality

  • There is a need to evaluate quality when same prompt is relied on for production usecase.
  • Having a simple thumbs-up/down system without adding much overhead to the optimization process.
  • Another test is to see if examples are worth the additional cost as compared to giving no examples at all.
  • Often while evaluating quality many elements of the prompt can be deemed superfluous or unnecessary.
  • Removing them can shorten the prompt and improve latency resulting in overall scaling of operations.
  • For images quality can be evaluated by permutation prompting.
  • Provide a variety of input and do a side by side comparison / use classifiers for deciding the validity of each input.

5. Divide labour

  • Just like solving an engineering problem prompt engineering problems can also be solved by decomposing them into smaller steps.
  • The outputs of these small steps can be combined to form the eventual answer.
  • AIs are unable to judge the quality of a response while responding.
  • However, once they give the response the AIs can be asked to evaluate the same.
  • So adding an extra step to evaluate the responses is key.
  • Later we can chain to provide details and even ask AI to use the details to generate further tasks like creating an image generation prompt.

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Text Generation: standard practices

Advanced text generation with Langchain

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Image generation: Advanced practices with stable diffusion

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